Los Angeles Health and Wellness PR Firm PMBC Group’s client Reimagine hosted a live conversation with nutrition expert, Keri Glassman. Keri shared tips on staying healthy for the holidays. The live conversation aligned with Reimagine’s Pillars4Life curriculum by leveraging technology to promote the health and wellness for the whole person.
Participants were able to ask Keri questions about staying healthy, ranging from how to avoid overloading on carbs to Keri’s thoughts on the Paleo Diet. Here are Keri’s top tips from the live conversation.
Eat before the party. Eating earlier will curb your hunger so that you do not show up to the party starving when surrounded by high calorie foods.
Veggies first, drinks last. Make sure your plate up has at least 1/3 veggies. Drink alcohol after your meal so it does not impair your judgment when you are making important food choices.
Indulge consciously. Don’t snack on cookies or sweet treats at the office when you are not seriously craving them. Save your indulgences for the desserts you really want, when you really want them. As long as you are consistently eating healthy, you will not feel bad about treating yourself to a sweet now and then.
Practice saying no. People may try to get you to eat the decadent dish they brought to the party. However, Keri recommends practicing saying “no” with confidence and sticking to your plan to stay healthy.
For the entire conversation, see the video below.