Art and Design PR firm PMBC Group’s client 5+design had its managing principle, Michael Ellis give an exclusive look into the future of building for health with’s Beth Buczynski.
From the US to the UK, obesity has become a worldwide epidemic that Ellis states can be combated through smart architectural design. In the article, Ellis points out the urban planning pitfalls that have contributed to obesity, namely areas that do not promote the use of public transit, which in large eliminates walking and raises the use of personal automobiles.
But Ellis states that this is changing very quickly. Lately, Ellis continues, there has been a much greater understanding of what can be gained from designing infrastructures that bolster activity. Focus has now been shifted to the beneficial effects of clustering different building types and uses together that encourage alternative means of transportation.
5+design is leading this change with massive scale mixed-use projects that span from its Dubai International Financial Center, Luxehills in Chengdu, China, and many more. To read the full article, click HERE.